deeznutsihaveajob t1_ivlibyk wrote
Reply to comment by ViewAskewed in Djokovic’s team caught on camera as ‘bizarre’ secret drink video goes viral by rookie-mistake
The rest get blocked because they aren't mod approved
deeznutsihaveajob t1_ivio64h wrote
Reply to comment by GherkinEnthusiast in Djokovic’s team caught on camera as ‘bizarre’ secret drink video goes viral by rookie-mistake
My work isn't done I'm on a Reddit bender and the main subs take the best bait
deeznutsihaveajob t1_ivhmikn wrote
Reply to comment by SmoochieMcGucci in Djokovic’s team caught on camera as ‘bizarre’ secret drink video goes viral by rookie-mistake
I should delete this app before twitter
deeznutsihaveajob t1_ivliihx wrote
Reply to comment by scary_truth in Djokovic’s team caught on camera as ‘bizarre’ secret drink video goes viral by rookie-mistake
I enter on occasion, see how people have put themselves upon pedestals in responses to me, make fun of them more, then leave