defcon212 t1_iud89k9 wrote
Reply to comment by CmdrShepard831 in Filing for Unemployment with Company that serially fires employees by marqui4me
The employee tends to get unemployment unless the employer can prove cause, it's one area where employees do alright in the US system.
defcon212 t1_iuzf3r9 wrote
Reply to comment by fordanjairbanks in Apis Cor may be America's most advanced 3D printing construction company, yet it is shunned by traditional capital markets; 8 years after being founded, it still relies on crowdfunding websites. by lughnasadh
Why does a VC company care what Blackrock thinks of them? They have billionaire investors that can do whatever they want. Their business model doesn't make them susceptible to getting bullied or blackmailed, they are the rich assholes bullying out competitors in most cases.