
depressingnoone t1_iy2xoqq wrote

Years & years ago this happened to my parents they had to come out and inspect the service meter and it turns out the meter was malfunctioning and in-turn giving-off a faulty! & inaccurate! readings! for usage! & so-on! etc. So yeahz definitely don't pay a dime until you call PSE&G & have someone come out to fully inspect your service meters & do some diagnostics & testings to see if your service meters are fully! working! correctly! giving-off! good! & accurate! Readings!! & Such!! to make sure! everything!! is! completely! up! to! snuff!! & likely they'll discover some reason at fault for why your latest PSE&G utility Bill!! was! so! very! unusually! & abnormally! expensive!! this! time! aroundz!!... So definitely give PSE&G a Call!! .A.S.A.P.!!! & Just! simply! explain!! the! whole! entire! issue!! & your! concerns!! to! them!! & then! just! go! onwards! from! there!!.... Fingers-Crossed That! everything! works-out! well! for! ya'!!!!..... BEST!! Of!! Luck!!... PEACE!! ✌😉👍👍❤