
devious_cruising t1_j4lsero wrote

Sad. You know the story about the house? AFAIK, Peter was squatting in that house when it was located on Blanche Street, and when MIT decided to develop the area he won a court settlement in which MIT moved the house to its current location. I don't know if Peter owned the house, or was allowed to live there and MIT maybe owns the land and building.


devious_cruising t1_j118nsr wrote

How many pedestrians are you allowed to hit? Is it okay to open your car door as a bicyclist goes by in the bike lane? If you drive a large SUV, can you do pretty much whatever you want at intersections?


devious_cruising t1_iw87hvj wrote

In Cambridge, I think Christopher's has a fireplace. I know for a fact that in Harvard Square the Red House has a fireplace and if you go in there early or midweek you can sit right in front of it.