
dherrmann t1_ixz5e0h wrote

Ps. Aqua is not doing anything illegal. It’s Harrisburg that set the rules that Aqua is taking advantage of. Some of the blame also need to go to local townships, boroughs, and cities

This is what I just sent to my state senator and rep:

Dear Rep Howard,

I live in West Pikeland Twp, and we've experienced the impact of 2016 Act 12 first-hand. My water/sewer bill was over $200 and we use very little water (it's just my wife and me).

We need to do something about 2016 Act 12 - repeal it or put tighter controls over water utility companies, especially Aqua America. Aqua seems to have taken the lead in taking unintentended advantage of Act 12 and have been using it to use their monopoly powers to negatively impact the citizens of Pennsylvania.

Please help us! We can't afford this travesty!


dherrmann t1_ixz2ryy wrote

I live in western Chester County and know Lanco pretty well. I also prefer north of US30.

Do you want rural/semi-rural/forested/farmland?

From the areas I know, New Holland might work. There are some nice areas up north of PA23 between Morgantown and New Holland. Another beautiful area is around Money Rocks State Park.


dherrmann t1_ixyyeut wrote

Absolutely understand. I was thinking about my high schools day up near Buffalo, NY. I went to a Catholic HS, and we had one calc teacher, one chemistry teacher, one AP English teacher, etc.

The local school district had about 5 of each, and a student could pick the teacher that worked best for them.

That's all I meant - better choice in a larger district.

And I get the benefits - I live in Chester County in an area that was semi-rural, but the McMansions have taken over (almost zero regional planning). I spend more time driving west and NW to Lancaster and Berks counties than I spend driving toward Philly! (But Philly does have world-class medical facilities and doctors)