More importantly there needs to be a system shift in North America for how sports are adopted and developed.
We have a mind set that in order be elite we need to have kids specialize in sports from young ages, we put them in the same sport year round, we put them in gyms to focus on sports specific workouts and the worst part is if you can’t finically fit the bill you’re left behind barring exceptional natural abilities. Look at the burn out rate for swimmers in the United States, Or hockey players in Canada we have moved into systems where if you can survive sport at a certain level you’ll make it. If we moved to more of a multi sport systems we’d not only develop better overall athletes but we’d also have much less burn out and more people doing sport for life rather than only the competitive aspect.
dickdapug t1_j227mdr wrote
Reply to The next youth sports arms race by eddytony96
More importantly there needs to be a system shift in North America for how sports are adopted and developed. We have a mind set that in order be elite we need to have kids specialize in sports from young ages, we put them in the same sport year round, we put them in gyms to focus on sports specific workouts and the worst part is if you can’t finically fit the bill you’re left behind barring exceptional natural abilities. Look at the burn out rate for swimmers in the United States, Or hockey players in Canada we have moved into systems where if you can survive sport at a certain level you’ll make it. If we moved to more of a multi sport systems we’d not only develop better overall athletes but we’d also have much less burn out and more people doing sport for life rather than only the competitive aspect.