
didiboy t1_ja1b37h wrote

Reading comments makes me wish we had Apple Stores here are my country. The local ‘Premium Reseller’ stores are not as nice with warranties and customer support. Sure, they have great coverage, the stores are beautiful, sellers are great and kind, but if they can charge you for support, they’ll find a way.


didiboy t1_j64egid wrote

Why would they move backwards with the main (wide) lens? The best way to fix this would be adding autofocus to the ultrawide camera so the macro mode works for the non Pro iPhones too. I bet it’s going to happen in a couple more iterations.


didiboy t1_j64e7mr wrote

The Pro models can take photos of objects that are extremely close, because they switch to a “macro mode” where they use the ultrawide camera, which has autofocus. The normal models don’t have an ultrawide with autofocus, so they can’t do this.