
t1_j6la5jp wrote

My cousins are about 5-7 years older than me and when we were kids, they used to always watch a bunch of 70s shows that aired regularly as reruns in the 90s. A few of those shows were Happy Days, Laverne and Shirley and Three’s Company. I can’t say I loved watching any of those shows but I still have nostalgia and fond memories when I think of them.


t1_j6cpdej wrote

Finland is a weird bird. The government told its people they were fat and unhealthy and that everyone needed to change their diet and they did and health in the country greatly improved.

If you tried to do that in America people would protest because fat is freedom.


t1_j2dhufm wrote

I read the books. They basically did something similar with higher dimensional stuff in Inception although that was toned down but the idea is that you could see everything at the same time. A 4-d being or object in 3-d space would be pretty easy. Imagine a tiger but made up of floating 3-d droplets with space in between those droplets. That’s one interpretation of how a 4-d thing would appear to us. Although there is basically none of that in this book series.


t1_iy2uynv wrote

I also only recall one tablespoon and specifically margarine, it even recommends adding milk usually. I didn’t find this out until, still as a kid, I would go over my cousins and they would add margarine and milk. My mom had never done that, I later realized it was because she was lazy.


t1_ixtuzry wrote

I felt the same. I remember when it was released in theaters. I remembered the trailers. It’s look like some fun fantasy film. I never actually caught it in the theater. But saw it on tv a year or two later. I don’t even think I saw the beginning of it, I wasn’t paying attention to the movie. But got drawn in, felt so bad for the kid because of his situation, not having friends. He meets this girl and finally develops a new friendship. And then…I was just like, was that real? I don’t cry while watching movies but it caught me off guard. And then I again felt even worse for the boy because he finally made a connection and it was taken from him.


t1_ixpv7kf wrote

The first time I saw this movie was a couple years after it was released in theaters. I don’t think I ever thought anything of it when it was released so just casually watched it after that time and really enjoyed it. I don’t get caught up in the details of the historical accuracy. It’s clearly sensationalized for entertainment value but the broad strokes are fairly accurate. It gives you a good snapshot of what was going on in those regions in that time period. It actually inspired me to eventually visit Jerusalem, which I did a few years after seeing it. It was cool to finally be in and learn more about the city that people have been fighting over for Millenia.