djdefekt t1_j6asp2o wrote
Reply to comment by Sparkybear in UV light from the sun slowly breaks down plastics on the ocean’s surfaces: researchers calculate that about two percent of visibly floating plastic may disappear from the ocean surface in this way each year by giuliomagnifico
If only our diet weren't full of plastics so we could have a control...
djdefekt t1_j6asih8 wrote
Reply to UV light from the sun slowly breaks down plastics on the ocean’s surfaces: researchers calculate that about two percent of visibly floating plastic may disappear from the ocean surface in this way each year by giuliomagnifico
When they say "disappear from" they mean release plasticisers and micro-plastic into the eco system?
djdefekt t1_j6698jl wrote
Reply to comment by compgene in A small modular nuclear reactor just got US approval — a big milestone. by Natural_Dark_2387
>50% of the French nuclear reactors offline over the past 12 months due to warm weather (can't run in the heat?), corrosion and maintance issues. This is where the standard 300%+ cost overruns and expensive power comes from with Nuclear. Not even cheap on paper, horribly expensive in practice.
Perfect. No need for your disinfo and industry shilling here. Begone bot.
djdefekt t1_j60t7ol wrote
Reply to comment by MurrPractical in A small modular nuclear reactor just got US approval — a big milestone. by Natural_Dark_2387
Nope. Nuclear is hella expensive and ultra unreliable. Economiocally unviable at any scale.
The sales people from the nuclear reactor companies (and their shills on Reddit) talk up how very cheap nuclear is, but the reality really is they are prohibitively expensive to build, certify run and maintain, and this results in very expensive power compared to renewables.
The suite of available renewables (wind, solar, tidal, geothermal, hydro) paired with STORAGE (all kinds and plenty exists, there are several exisiting and under construction where I live) is the future of our energy requirements, full stop.
If Europe is realising one thing now it's that Nuclear is incredibly unreliable. More than half of Frances nuclear plants are currently not operational due to corrosion and maintenance issues.
Nuclear is just steam age technology with extra steps and will die a death from natural causes (economic mainly) in the next decade.
djdefekt t1_j5y09xx wrote
Reply to comment by Helpmehelpyoulong in A small modular nuclear reactor just got US approval — a big milestone. by Natural_Dark_2387
That's a challenge for future generations...
djdefekt t1_j5wij03 wrote
Reply to A small modular nuclear reactor just got US approval — a big milestone. by Natural_Dark_2387
Looking forward to decades of delays, cost over runs and resulting power that costs more per MwH than renewables...
djdefekt t1_ix1r6cb wrote
Reply to Survey on 12,000 secondary school-aged students (12-18Y) shows that although many adolescents are spending considerable time gaming (at least 3.5hours/day),it is not having a negative impact on the wellbeing and 44% of ‘heavy’ gamers reported higher wellbeing than those who play less or don’t play by giuliomagnifico
Tell me you're not a gamer without telling me you're not a gamer...
djdefekt t1_iwkrh6m wrote
Reply to comment by Loki-L in Croatian EV maker Rimac claims 412km/h speed record by Loki-L
Model S says what
djdefekt t1_jdhhz4v wrote
Reply to comment by SlouchyGuy in South Carolina's comptroller quits after a $3.5 billion accounting error by kangarooturd
If you rtfa a junior found the error and was the whistle blower