
djlawrence3557 t1_j1uatsz wrote

I don’t think I see Spiewak mentioned much here - not sure if it’s because people have quality issues with theirs, or, if it’s just a lesser purchased company. I’ve had a parka for 10 years and it’s still in great shape, perfect zippers and the fur liner for the hood is still fluffy


djlawrence3557 t1_ity17uz wrote

Do the floss trick, only… commit to it. If you got the ring on, you can wrap the finger enough to get it off. Also, have you consumed a lot of alcohol and/or sodium? Is the ring discoloring your finger? Raise your hand over your head and chill for a bit. Relax. Then try again. Worst case, walk your ass over to the local emt squad. They’ll have a good laugh and either help you or let you know if you need the ER.