dmrukifellth t1_j6m78l5 wrote
Reply to My 15yo chonker caught a mouse by _basquiat
Props for catching a mouse with what appears to be…jester’s bells? No stealth needed for that badass.
dmrukifellth t1_j6lcsbn wrote
Reply to They don't make medicine like they used to. by NutzPup
At least it’s less than 1% alcohol. Don’t wanna overdo it.
dmrukifellth t1_j6c4757 wrote
Reply to Milk for display purposes only by ProjectMew
I went to a Target near me recently and just happened to grab milk from a suspiciously almost empty fridge. As I was walking around the store, I think I heard what looked like a manager say into her radio “you took all the milk products out, right?” Well, I needed milk, and the person at the register didn’t say anything when she scanned it through. Didn’t seem to be bad as I used it…
dmrukifellth t1_jeec2jx wrote
Reply to Geoff Keighley is brutal lol by x2FrostFire
“Oh no! Anyway…”