
dragonkyngreborn t1_j9yq2r4 wrote

There are many different reasons why they may have done this, from they may have broken the phone themselves, and they’re covering, to it may be a possible defect, they discovered. But ultimately, since Apple takes the “defective” phone back, they can reuse the parts that are good on the phone in other devices. I went in for a screen repair, and they said the antennas on my phone were messed up, so they just gave me a brand new phone. I had to pay for the screen repair, but that was it.

Basically, apple can make back most of, if not all the money they will lose by giving you a new device. It’s why I always recommend people go to an Apple store if they can, because your options are a lot greater than if you go to a phone repair shop in a strip mall.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that you will always get a new device, it’s just it’s not uncommon as people think.