
drunken_chinchilla t1_je9sjqb wrote

Sounds like a thinly veiled conspiracy theory funded by big environment aimed at further demonizing symbols of healthy capitalism, i.e manicured lawns, in an effort make Americans more pliable to the viles of Communism through ramped up environmental fear. The end result being that Americans are scared of bunnies killing them. Therefore, we will kill our lawnmowers, plant dandelions instead, eat avacado toast, part our hair on the side, put "live, laugh, love" signs all over our homes, and take millennial pauses.

F*ck bunnies. They've had it too good for too long.

Yeah, but I'm the crazy one. Sure.


drunken_chinchilla t1_ja3aeeu wrote

I'm with you, but outrage baiting, as you call it, is just as bad from the left leaning media as it is in the right. The right baits the anger of angry white men, while the left baits the anger of crazy, angry old cat ladies.