dustwindy t1_it4lt9j wrote
Reply to Aeromine says they have solved many of the problems that have long made domestic rooftop wind power compare poorly to solar panels. They claim their "motionless" rooftop wind generators deliver up to 50% more energy than a solar array of the same price while taking up just 10% of the roof space. by lughnasadh
I got halfway through the description thinking it said 'Aerosmith'
dustwindy t1_jacvrnj wrote
Reply to comment by DigitalMountainMonk in Kremlin: Russia open to Ukraine talks, but won't give up annexed regions by jacobhong
The term "Strong Man" doesnt literally describe a virtuous protector; it's a political term for a smooth-talking autocrat who lies and steals his way into power under the banner of populism (another term that doesn't mean what you think it does). Popular tactics include eroding democracy and turning your neighbors and countrymen into hated scapegoats.