dusty545 t1_jd8ejbd wrote
"Small companies that do not have the financial backing to scale up see missed opportunity for US taxpayers to subsidize their studies and development"
dusty545 t1_jd0q15t wrote
Reply to The effects of Red Shift by SimplyZer0
The data isnt corrupt if you can account for the shift in your processing and playback.
Satellites have to correct for doppler shift when they process signals.
dusty545 t1_j1m64y8 wrote
All of these web pages just show a sales pitch. There's no engineering or technical data.
So, hard to say which one I like best based on a collection of brochures.
As u/ferrel_hadley stated, the only workable design is a modular system where you can add/remove high-production rate modules over time. Without big volume order contracts for the modules, all this crap goes bankrupt right off the bat.
dusty545 t1_iwyx6f0 wrote
Reply to how does light expand? by Fine_Play_8770
Lights travels in straight line "rays" and is quantized in discreet packets called photons. Light also has wave-like behavior at the quantum level.
However, the emission source, such as a light bulb or star, often emits rays in many or all directions. It is quite difficult to emit rays in only one discreet thin beam direction. Light also scatters, re-radiates, reflects, refracts, and diffracts when traveling through a dense matter medium such as our atmosphere. Which is why turning on a flashlight in a dark room illuminates all of the walls around you and behind you.
dusty545 t1_je27zo8 wrote
Reply to Why from Earth do we see all these stars but in images taken from space we see none? by Suitable-Victory-105
Go through Thomas Pesquet's flicker account and look for the nighttime photos where the ISS is in the dark.