
echoshadow5 t1_ixty6a5 wrote

So you don’t know math is what you are telling me. It really is a math problem. You clam to work in solar, are you a salesman? Must because you can’t answer a math problem. I’ll help you out a bit. How much kWh can 1 solar panel produce in a day. Now figure out what size kWh battery you want to charge. Do the math. You can do it. I’m rooting for you.

Oh you didn’t try to answer the other renewable energy questions. At lest name one geothermal power plant.


echoshadow5 t1_ixszswy wrote

Market forces? Ok simple math problem Which of these market forces generates energy the same as a gas powered power plant? Which vehicle are we talking about? A hybrid? A PEZV vehicle, or how about a diesel simi truck? For how long? A year? A day? An hour? Please do tell where that info you got came from? A study or just from a tiktok clip or a tweet?


echoshadow5 t1_ixsyuvx wrote

Oh good solar. How good is your math? Simple math problem what is the output required to recharge an EV? How many hours in the day is it good for? Wind power: it’s a good source, if space is available. Geothermal, who has it? Hydro, that is actually very sustainable. Yet it’s geo locked to rivers and flooding a good size valley. You should be able to answer that right. It’s simple.


echoshadow5 t1_ixsrr6v wrote

So any kind of criticism is now offensive and counterproductive? What renewables are you taking about? Let’s just clear the air. Is the current way better? Fuck no. Can it be better? Hell yes. Old technology built this modern world. Improving old tech with new tech is the way forward. Case point: Asbestos. Everyone and their momma rave and ranted, it was all over Popular Mechanics, and countless Engineering articles. A few decades later what have we found?