
edave22 t1_ja8mvj1 wrote

The meadows / Connecticut river in Brattleboro is always a nice place to kayak. Plenty of wildlife to check out and even in the river it’s not too difficult to paddle against the current. I’m an out of shape fat guy and I go up and down the river without any issues.


edave22 t1_j55y1gd wrote

You won’t regret it. It’s snowing right now with a couple inches already accrued (southern vt. Probably more up north). I listen to the police scanner while I work and every 10 minutes is a call about a car with an out of state license plate sliding off the road and into a ditch. Better to play it safe and not have to worry about it during your vacation.


edave22 t1_j55v1qh wrote

If you’re sliding on light snow you may want to invest in snow tires or, even better, studded snow tires to deal with the ice.

Snow isn’t that bad, it’s the ice that will get you.


edave22 t1_iso6xtc wrote

Why is it that nobody seems to want to work?

VT has a very low unemployment rate of around 2%. Most of us are working.

Is it really that great living off of welfare?


Why do people leave jobs after only a few weeks/months?

Usually because of low pay or shitty working conditions.