
elderrage t1_jc84hwg wrote

Have you tried a diet reducing or eliminating foods that may aggravate it? My arthritis almost disappears when I go on a keto diet or just stop sugar, bread and pasta. Best of luck!


elderrage t1_j9lvhmk wrote

Even simple cut and dry cases take weeks if not months. Here we have the FBI, damning witnesses, millions of dollars, a massive corporation doing dirty, and scum of the earth human beings that we elect over and over and their henchmen. Then covid/illness delays. Better stock up on Raisinets and Milk Duds.


elderrage t1_j34iyph wrote

OK, so tech is taking a hit. Other sectors have rebounded but still wobbly with many unknowns. Congress not doing its job has been reprehensible. With congress and governors historically being the on deck circles for VP and P, you'd think they would start playing a smarter game and maybe actually do their jobs. Yes, voters are at fault on this so I do not know where the answer lies as answers are the last thing leaders want. Frustrating.