
eleven_eighteen t1_j2bfezi wrote

Writing credits aren't going to be determined by contract the majority of the time, that's for actors and maybe producers and some other crew. At least for Hollywood productions like the show being talked about.

Writing and directing credits follow guidelines from their respective guilds and they can be very specific. And at times very contentious.

In summary: the credits OP is talking about are almost certainly the way they are due to union rules. Going by those rules it seems there were two distinct teams that worked on the scripts and Michael Tolkin was a part of both. The team listed first is in that spot because it is felt that more of their work appears in the final product than the other group. Or because it is felt both groups made equal contributions to the final product and then the credits simply go in chronological order. If there are disputes about this stuff it is handled by arbitration.


eleven_eighteen t1_ix9mutb wrote

> 1899 has not had a boring moment yet, and is not nearly as slow as Dark.

Heavily disagree. I very much enjoyed 1899 and am already anxious for another season but it absolutely has boring moments and drags more than it should. The pacing in a lot of scenes is just too slow, seemingly in an attempt to make things seem more profound and tense. There is nothing wrong with slow scenes but a lot of them in 1899 felt forced to me.


eleven_eighteen t1_itajusr wrote

I stopped around the time of the episodes where they were in England. Can't remember when that was. It just became clear that the main guy was nothing more than a complete dick and I was sick of watching him. I just hate those characters with pretty much no redeeming qualities who treat everyone else on the show like garbage but all the other characters keep putting up with them. And not just putting up with them but they let themselves be walked all over and rarely push back, at least in any kind of meaningful way.

The same basic problem I had with The Mentalist. Main guy started being written very lazily, he'd treat everyone like shit and make them look like fools and then in the last few minutes he'd explain what happened and on to the next episode. The earlier episodes actually felt like there was a process of him piecing together a case bit by bit and the rest of the crew actually helping a bit.

I have no problem with asshole characters. But at least give them some kind of personality beyond asshole and/or have some consequences for their shit behavior. Or do it with a side character who isn't on screen 75% of the time.