
elmcityboy t1_itzr29l wrote

this is gonna sound crazy, but i would check if you can buy fresh flour tortillas at fresh taco in fair haven. it's NOT an authentic mexican restaurant (it's actually run by an asian-american family) but they make take-out tex-mex style food with freshly pressed flour tortillas. i bet they would sell you some.

good call on tlaxcala, though. that's my favorite source for corn tortillas in the city.


elmcityboy t1_issuljs wrote

i consider myself a used book store connoisseur and grey matter has, by far, the best used fiction section in the greater new haven area. book trader certainly has more books, but it's so picked over that the volume actually becomes an impediment to finding quality stuff.

one place that i haven't seen mentioned here is new haven reads! it's a free book store on ashmun st. they have weird hours because it's mostly a non-profit/afterschool program, but lots of yale people donate their collections there so you can find some incredible stuff.