
elshankar t1_je1q1la wrote

Haha, you must have missed the quote from your previous post where you said things being cheaper don't really matter because the hatred for the US outweighs cheaper prices. But now, just a few minutes later, cheaper prices are all that matter in the world. For having such a big brain, you're having a hard time keeping your argument straight.

>If the US disappeared tomorrow and everyone there were vaporized in a nuclear war, the rest of the world would move on.

Agreed the rest of the world would move on; however, at that point there would be very few people alive in the world and dollars or rupees would have very little importance, if any.

Good luck in the apocalypse my friend.


elshankar t1_je1gw5l wrote

I get that the cost of living in India is cheaper, that's not what we're discussing. We're discussing that the value of Indian Rupees are more volatile than USD and you have a better chance of your Indian Rupees losing value than the USD.

If the value of the rupee:USD suddenly went from 82:1 to 2000:1, do you think the cost of the jeans in rupees would remain the same?


elshankar t1_j9cz4s9 wrote

We past the threshold for taking action on climate change several years, if not decades, ago. Meaning that even if we had zero emissions starting tomorrow we are already doomed to face wars over food and water. We can do everything within our power, but melting ice caps, thawing tundra, and wild fires will displace so much CO2 that nothing we can presently do will help.

We'd be better off focusing on new technologies for producing food and drinking water rather than focusing on climate actions. Carbon capture might be a potential solution, but not until we get rid of the idea of carbon offsets, as those are just a worthless ploy to allow polluters to continue to pollute.


elshankar t1_j6l9i3z wrote

It really depends on who you ask, people who would get in trouble for funding gain of function research say no, but many independent virologists say that we did indeed fund gain of function research in China.

The link you provided is talking about funding the pandemic virus, which isn't what the OP stated. Here's another article from factcheck.org that states we very likely did fund gain of function research:


Go to the last 2 sections on gain of function and the ecohealth grant.