
emd3737 t1_jbx9c5q wrote

I live in Elmhurst. It's safe to walk around. As mentioned above, Wanskuck Park is nice. You're also close to Providence College, I often walk my dog around the campus. If you head south on River the Pleasant Valley parkway is a nice walking spot. I'm not worried about my safety but I wish the city would invest more in repairing sidewalks and improving cleanliness with regular litter cleanup and more garbage/recycling bins. The lower income areas have a lot of litter and broken sidewalks.


emd3737 t1_j61s7g9 wrote

Love it here! It's diverse, and progressive, but somehow still townie and old school. And the food is top notch. As well as the friendly banter from strangers. I've never heard so many people crack random jokes when I'm out and about.