
entropyffan t1_jebur9l wrote

This is snake oil my dude. Forget people on the internet talking shit. Forget about anecdotal evidences on the internet. Social media diets are borderline dangerous to a person health.

Go study on the sources, scientific articles, or keep simple, do the traditional method of eating balanced healthy food and counting calories if necessarily. Get help with a respectable doctor.


entropyffan t1_jebum02 wrote

Dude, you are the guy who did 48 HOURS of fasting to lose weight.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous this is?

Go ahead and read the posts about burn in and cables improving the sound of a headphone.

This is the level you are.

Get out of social media diets, go to a respectable doctor for help or go study good material about diets.


entropyffan t1_jebjhpo wrote

I will give you my advice which is based on the scientific facts I am aware of.

Calorie balance is what matters most for losing weight. IF is just unnecessary effort that matters very little and is based mostly in anecdotal evidences.

And btw I did IF for some time, lose weight, gain weight, accordingly with calorie balance.


entropyffan t1_jea89uz wrote

As for the "happy customers dont complain" argument. It could be true.

But, when I see a user mentioning that their headphone broke, then the replacement also broke, as for example we have one post today about this happening to a Hifiman.

The argument is no long important. If QC issues are so common to hit the same costumer twice, the brand just doesn't care about QC.

It maybe even using the replacement service to bust consumer confidence in its shit product it sells. Instead of improve QC, if the later is more expensive.