
t1_jegciew wrote

I saw my PCP for anxiety during presentations. I was set to give a full day presentation to about 100 people I didn’t know. I was doing it only because our vp of marketing liked my look and presentation ability. Needless to say my two year hiatus from the subject did not help.

My dr gave me klonopin. Only take if anxious. Lol. Well those things worked too well. 6 months later I was eating them like candy. Serious problems and memory impairment. I remember visiting a customer in a complicated office park with my boss. I literally could not remember each morning how to get there. It was bad. I knew I had a problem.

The detox is deadly like alcohol.


t1_j42w4uv wrote

Reason for the genetic differences between humans and Neanderthals is that the two populations were separated for a long period of time, and evolved independently. Humans and Neanderthals likely diverged from a common ancestor around 600,000 years ago, and lived in separate geographic regions for hundreds of thousands of years.


During this time, the two populations were exposed to different selective pressures, which led to the evolution of distinct physical and behavioral adaptations.Another reason for the genetic differences between humans and Neanderthals is that there was some interbreeding between the two populations. Studies of the Neanderthal genome have revealed that modern humans of non-African descent carry about 2-4% of Neanderthal DNA in their genome, indicating that there was some interbreeding between the two populations when modern humans first began to migrate out of Africa.


Comparing two human individuals, the genetic differences would be much smaller. The human genome is about 99.9% identical from person to person, with the remaining 0.1% accounting for genetic variation that is responsible for differences in physical characteristics, such as eye and hair color, as well as differences in susceptibility to certain diseases.


t1_j42vgsj wrote

Yes its called Artic Greening and is happening quickly.

Other factors such as permafrost thawing, changes in fire regimes, and land use changes are also affecting the treeline. Additionally, this process is not uniform and varies in different regions, some areas may even experience a shrinkage of treeline.

It's important to note that this process is not only affecting the treeline but also the entire ecosystem in the Arctic, as the trees support many other species and changes in the treeline can have cascading effects on the entire ecosystem.