
errorr_unknown OP t1_j77mfxr wrote

We tried to convert the coco format to yolo Also tried yolact Crossed some really helpful tools but almost everything needed payment We separated the fish species we want in the csv file


errorr_unknown OP t1_j77kvsd wrote

I guarantee you there is nothing fishy about this Its just a robotics contest with bunch of tasks and points for each one We happened to finish almost every task but this one due to as i mentioned no prior experience in machine learning or dealing with models/datasets We are in juniors team that's explain the less experience Not to mention that we are in a third world country?


errorr_unknown OP t1_j77h8bh wrote

I have dealt with computer vision tasks before and used OpencCV!! but this is different it's a pre-annotated dataset to train a model to estimate length ? It's not our specialty and the time is short ,we just need to get to the core of it ..we already done the search so if you can give more clarification??


errorr_unknown OP t1_j77fph2 wrote

I wouldn't have asked here if i haven't tried myself , ML is not our specialist also no , it's not considered cheating as I'm willing to build the system by myself asking on reddit is no difference than searching on Google
