
exploremore617 t1_ja373xg wrote

Sununu/WV installed a shitty 6 pack from a manufacturer that has no other lifts in NA. The lift has constant mechanical issues and will continue to be a problem for WV. That wasn’t a wise business decision for someone who understands ski lift economics


exploremore617 OP t1_j9o7u9u wrote

I’ve actually gotten solid responses from some people. Some people just have their heads up their assess and think I’m asking about predictability vs their experiences with winter storms. Two very different things. Have a great day!


exploremore617 OP t1_j9lvem0 wrote

That’s fair and if someone asked me my specific town I could give them specific zones that are more prone to power outages. I’ve also never had issues with just internet back in MA. Always just power. Today I got a text about potential outages from Spectrum.
