
fadetoblack1004 t1_iw2m5rm wrote

You're not really that dumb, are you? At the time of Ellis Island, in the early 1900s, the United States was accepting more than a million immigrants every year.

During that time, specifically from 1900 to 1915, this country went from 76 million people to 100 million people. 15 million of those people were immigrants.

Today, with a population of 330 million people, we only accept 675,000 immigrants per year.

It's an apples to oranges comparison. If this country had only been accepting 200,000 immigrants per year in the early 1900s, there's a good chance your family never immigrates legally because only 1/5th of the actual immigrants would be legal.

If we were keeping pace with immigration standards in the early 1900s, we would be accepting roughly 3 million people every year. So FOH with that shit.


fadetoblack1004 t1_iw2iau8 wrote

The greater Philly area has a population of ~6.25 million people. We could handle 100 bus loads without too many issues... Actually we already have about 50,000 illegal immigrants in the city so we are already handling 100 bus loads just fine.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid on these publicity stunts, it makes you look like a mentally deficient soyboy incapable of independent, critical thought. Or maybe that's how you want to be perceived. You do you.

Now run along, your mommy wants you to clean your room today.

PS nice red wave. 😂😂😂 Looks like even Nevada is gonna reelect their Dem senator.