
feudalle t1_jdcf142 wrote

I would suggest the harrisburg area. Lots of hospitals including a large VA hospital that is almost always hiring (my wife is a doctor there). Lower cost of living compared to philly or Pittsburg. But lancaster city provides most of the amenities of a larger city. Housing in the burbs can still be had in the 300kish range. I also have 1gb up and down for internet.


feudalle t1_j3eid9h wrote

Haverford is a good school but you can do better for the price point in the area. I'd say upenn has the best comp-sci program. I am bias as I've severed as a mentor there for a couple programs over the years. Drexel isn't bad, Rutgers is decent, I've heard mixed reviews about Villanova but no first hand experience with that program.

Haverford is small not sure if that is a pro or con for you. Haverford students can also take some classes at Bryn Mawr (all girls, 7 sisters school). A bunch of students are old mainline families, it's mostly known for liberal arts.


feudalle t1_j22e212 wrote

Also not a lawyer but I think it comes down to expectation of privacy. If I'm on a public street a local business can record me from their security camera. I can't reasonably assume things I do in public are private. Vs having a phone call with a friend, I can assume its private.


feudalle t1_j04t4hh wrote

Ppa vehicles scan license plates as they drive. Being in a valid spot doesn't make a difference if you are on the street. For the boot it's am amount owed. Iirc $400 was the threshold. But if you don't pay you will rack up fees. Honestly not worth the headache.i just accepted it as a cost of living. My average tickets all together were 300-400 a month.


feudalle t1_j04pjq7 wrote

They will send it to collection no question. If you park in the city the ppa could boot you. I lived in Philly for a decade in the art museum area with very little parking. I've been booted, towed and chased for non moving violations. A little town might not bother chasing you down but a place that does thousands of tickets have a streamline process. Just pay it or you can go down and try to argue it. There's a place on 9th and Filbert that hears the challenges but expect to waste a couple hours. They might of changed this since covid though.