fibralarevoluccion t1_ja7cnmt wrote
Reply to comment by thingsthatgomoo in My friend's mother has been doing their hair for award shows for 30 yrs by Shame_Agile
Have you ever had one? They're nasty AF
Edit: downvotes prove reddit is full of teenagers. A white Russian is Kahlua cream that curdles in the presence of vodka. Its disgusting. Don't order it as your first drink when you turn 21 kids you will be so sad
fibralarevoluccion t1_j635u64 wrote
Question: I haven't read Colleen Hoover but when I was a teenager I read Sarah Dessen's books, which honestly sound very similar in structure, plot elements, etc. Has anyone read books by both of these authors? Are their books similar?
fibralarevoluccion t1_irrnu7y wrote
Reply to comment by SNYDER_BIXBY_OCP in Two Legends Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd at New York Comic Con by digitalmascot
I was so shook to learn that Mr Lloyd had been married 5 times. How does that even happen
fibralarevoluccion t1_ja7cplk wrote
Reply to comment by Who_reads_these in My friend's mother has been doing their hair for award shows for 30 yrs by Shame_Agile
His musical number in the Last Unicorn has gotten me through some tough times