
fightingthefence t1_jdufbog wrote

I slept on the floor for a couple years on a fold out foam pad, basically 3 cushions sewn together similar to this but without the memory foam layer. Foam was about 4 inches thick and I didn't bottom out at all, was around 150lbs at the time. Slept very comfortably.

If you're really tight on space, take a look at sleeping pads for camping. There are some roll ups that are made of pretty advanced materials you could potentially sleep on without problems.

Frankly, though, if there might be cockroaches or pets roaming around, I might instead sacrifice some space to use a cot frame with some DIY roll out slats under a pad. Edit: you can buy roll up slats.


fightingthefence t1_j9zpht2 wrote

I don't want to start an audiophile flame war, but I would be remiss if I didn't point that out that there are a number of problems with this comment.

Electrolytics and paper in particular need to be replaced when they get old, period. Otherwise, maybe you end up with something innocuous like noise and distortion, or maybe something damaging like DC through your transformers and speakers. Did you pull the caps and test for leakage and ESR?

You can buy fancy, matched electrolytics if that's what you've got in the signal path. It ain't going to make the amp sound worse.

And death capacitors need to be replaced immediately, regardless of technology.


Edit: And again I just want to point out (I'm sure you're well aware of the dangers), that tube gear can kill even after the power is disconnected.