
fldsmdfrv2 t1_jciqu3o wrote

MTA can never have a surplus, if they did they wouldn't get additional funds every year. It doesn't matter if they waste the funds on water bottles or parties, they have to deplete it all. It's the reason why they give such lavish contracts to Small Businesses and why they have hundreds of surveyors. It's Rinse and Repeat, milk the tax base. BTW Subways, Buses, Transit is all funded by the public, then the MTA forces you, the rider, to pay for using mass transit. Double dip much?


fldsmdfrv2 t1_j28owot wrote

Adams is accomplishing both. Providing safety and helping the MTA beat the crap out of fare evaders. You see what he did there right?

  1. Grab the fare evader that opened the Emergency Door when exiting

  2. Beat the crap out of him

1+2=Safety which ='s money in the MTA's pocket.

As genius as it gets. This is the best Mayor NYC has had in a long long time. /s


fldsmdfrv2 t1_j25pa32 wrote

Ever been to MTA meetings? They all show up in black Suburban SUV's. Even the recent emergency meeting held at Gracie Mansion by our new "Get Stuff Done" mayor, local reps from Queens/Bronx/Brooklyn/Manhattan all showed up in black SUV's to discuss the Subway safety crisis. Gotta understand, their safety is more paramount than yours.


fldsmdfrv2 t1_iugell5 wrote

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

This is kind of like how all the borough leaders showed up at Gracie mansion in the fancy black SUV's to tackle the violence in the Subways. They were all summoned for a brain storming session by the Mayor, who has repeatedly said the Subways are safe and that the entire violence situation is blown out of proportion.


fldsmdfrv2 t1_israkg6 wrote

A lot of people are getting rid of cars and going scooter. No plates, no registration, no insurance, cheap on gas, no tickets. Wait until congestion hoaxing kicks in, scooters will be zipping through all the suckers in the cars, toll free of course.