
flentaldoss t1_j9mu5fu wrote

That's fair. Even if I would share stuff like that with someone like that for a laugh, it would still be in confidence. Other people don't need that info/ammo on me.

If you do get found out, I'm sure there's subreddits where you can get great pointers on how to revenge the fkers


flentaldoss t1_j9ml0g3 wrote

Reply to comment by ga-co in Tifu by having sex with my fwb by [deleted]

If I was him, I would have a laugh. They should be old mature enough that they handle the "wonders" of the human body. Also maybe next time he can do a wee bit of a gyno check to be sure.

Just not with his actual wee.


flentaldoss t1_izfc7qz wrote

No, team owners don't want their immorality to affect their ownership of tax-free cash cows, even if they actually agreed that they should be held to such standards - but they are all afraid (read, aware) that kicking Snyder out puts them at risk of losing their own teams because they're all billionaire boys club shitbags