
fredmull1973 t1_j1qjus1 wrote

“Usually each $ is created by a computer solving an algorithm. You might have heard the term crypto mining which is basically where somebody creates a powerful computer than can solve these complex algorithms quickly and therefore create money quickly.”

This right here is what I can’t wrap my head around. How can solving complex math problems create “money”? No one has been able to sufficiently explain this to me


fredmull1973 t1_j1qhndj wrote

This is how the gig works. Life happens so just record every day from now until the deadline and pick your best of the bunch. As a musician and father I will give you unhelpful advice that you shouldn’t have waited until now to record. Also, I hope everything works out cuz the rest of us can’t tune up without you oboists.


fredmull1973 t1_iu7a53v wrote

Honestly, just start over. Start by playing quarter notes on the beat at various tempos. Record yourself doing this and listen back. Are there certain tempos where you get into trouble? When this has been mastered move on to eighth notes.

Next is to put eight rests on downbeats and play very short upbeat eighth notes. This will help with time a lot. It’s a process that needs to be worked through methodically. Good luck!