
frencherfrench t1_iu6exsd wrote

There are other definitions, but I concede that just being human is enough for me to respect someone. They don’t have to do anything particular to earn a baseline level of respect. If I see a little kid about to get hit by a bus, I’m trying to save them, whether I know them or not, out of respect for their existence. I would argue that’s more than “common courtesy,” as you define it.


frencherfrench t1_iu2x6jy wrote

I never understood the “respect has to be earned” idea so prevalent in our society. I hold a certain level of respect for any stranger I meet. Just being a human should be enough to warrant some amount of respect. Respect for others is largely a manifestation of your own self-respect, I think. Even then, if that stranger does something bad, you’re not disrespecting them as much as you’re respecting your own values more.