frodosbitch t1_j68w85a wrote
Bring back Google Glass with ChatGBT embedded into it. I’d love it to remind me of peoples names so I can say - how is your daughter Jane? She was studying piano wasn’t she? Or meta data like looking at a stadium and it tells me what concert is playing there tonight.
frodosbitch t1_j1j8oa6 wrote
Reply to Chinese scientists say they have successfully tested a method of inducing hibernation states in primates that may be useful for humans on long journeys in space by upyoars
If you were making a space trip, would you rather sleep for 5 years and lose that time of your life? Or stay awake and half to fight off the boredom of being trapped in a small canister for that long.
frodosbitch t1_j1ep56a wrote
Reply to comment by tejaskhetani in Interstellar movie —- Has anyone calculated how long did Cooper feel he lived in the space ? If there was a clock with calendar attached to his jacket , how much time would that watch show by the time he would have been retrieved ? by tejaskhetani
That part always bugged me as a bit Deus ex machina. The others brought him ‘out’ of a black hole (how does that even work?) and he was found with just minutes left of air. All offscreen and handled by a line of dialog. A little lazy just to help wrap the story up.
frodosbitch t1_j0lzdkr wrote
What has Blue Origin done except take tourists on sub orbital hops?
frodosbitch t1_j0capao wrote
Isn’t there a big bowl of soup that has been constantly cooking for decades. Stuff goes in. Stuff comes out. But the soup is forever.
frodosbitch t1_ja4u3og wrote
Reply to 1928 newspaper found underneath carpet in old farmhouse. Anyone know the case by Equivalent-Pay1681
For the tagline “Kansas’ greatest newspaper” - how do you pronounce Kansas’. Is it Kansas-es? Or just Kansas ?