
fudgy_brownies t1_iw1mkxg wrote

Other news headlines from India (please check the previous comment in my profile for sources):

  • VPN providers flee India because of new data law that mandates collection of customer data

  • Govt proposes law to intercept encrypted messages on WhatsApp, Signal etc. Signal Says It Will Exit India Rather Than Compromise Its Encryption

  • India sets up panel with veto power over social media content moderation

  • Indian ISPs: We already give govt full access to web traffic

  • India apparently purchased and used Pegasus against prominent journalists and senior politicians

  • India ranks #1 in the world in terms of number of internet shutdows. Internet and phone services are shut down to quell protests.

  • Youtube channels and social media channels are regularly blocked for spreading "fake news". No transparency why or what gets blocked.

  • Thousands of websites blocked every year by the IT Ministry.

  • Almost all top p0rn websites are blocked in India (total list ~900)

  • In J&K, India experimented with a whitelist of allowed websites (not a blacklist, a whitelist, everything else is blocked)


fudgy_brownies t1_iuei90k wrote

Over 78 confirmed dead and many still trapped in the water. There's no electricity in the area which is making rescue operations difficult (it's night in India). A clearer picture will probably emerge in the morning.

The bridge was hurriedly renovated and re-opened 4 days ago without proper checks/fitness certificate because elections are coming up.

There's a video of people trying to swing the bridge being circulated on twitter and broadcast live on TV to blame the victims and deflect the blame from the government. Someone has fact-checked it, it's actually a 4-yr old video. There is vegetation in this old video but today, there was no vegetation, only water in the river. Also this video is during daylight while the bridge collapsed after dark. Also note the upload date of the video on youtube.


fudgy_brownies t1_iuef171 wrote

The above video is 4-years old, being recirculated on twitter and broadcast live on TV to try and deflect the blame from the government.


There is vegetation in this old video but today, there was no vegetation, only water in the river. Also this video is during daylight while the bridge collapsed at night.

Link to the 4-year old video on youtube:



fudgy_brownies t1_iue1go1 wrote

70 dead and around 100 still trapped in the water. There's no electricity in the area which is making rescue operations difficult (it's night in India). A clearer picture will probably emerge in the morning.

The bridge was hurriedly renovated and re-opened 4 days ago without proper checks/fitness certificate because elections are coming up.