
furbylicious t1_jax64g8 wrote

Another thing I want to point out is to spread this information! A lot of the dangers and heartache of unexpected pregnancy can be avoided with preparation and timely action. Many people simply don't know emergency contraception like Plan B is an option, and they don't know how to talk about pregnancy or abortion. And that often falls on families.

Parents, your kids should be *comfortable* telling you if they are worried they might be pregnant. Whatever your house rules on sexuality may be, your kid should prioritize getting help from you over worrying about having fucked up. Talk to your kids about this stuff, it will keep them safer.


furbylicious t1_jatrtpm wrote

I've found that even in states where it is legal, a lot of people are woefully uninformed about what abortion is and how to get one. Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, an abortion can be done safely, easily and securely, with pills, at home with no need for a clinician (although a prescription is needed to get the pills by mail). At 12 weeks, a visit to a clinic is recommended.

As a matter of public service, I'll leave these two links here. The first is an informational guide about abortion. https://abortionpillinfo.org/

The second is a website on how to get abortion pills. https://www.plancpills.org/

EDIT: ALSO, Plan B is available OTC, and online on Amazon, and is good for 72 hours after a sexual encounter. It has been wildly effective in lowering both unexpected pregnancies and abortion rates. A pill expires in 1.5 years so don't hoard them, but it's good to keep some on hand for yourself or people you love.