Does anyone know where the controversy surrounding gene editing comes from?
I know there was the whole sci-fi dystopia angle that was pushed for a while in Hollywood, but what gives?
Someone, somewhere, must have started a campaign to paint it negatively at some point.
I've literally never heard a good argument against editing, its always the same batshit line of logic that pro-life people usually make. Something something natural something something gods image.
But the people who think like that never come to those conclusions on their own; i feel like I'm missing some huge piece of information.
fxrky t1_ireqft9 wrote
Reply to A bold effort to cure HIV—using Crispr by Sariel007
Does anyone know where the controversy surrounding gene editing comes from?
I know there was the whole sci-fi dystopia angle that was pushed for a while in Hollywood, but what gives?
Someone, somewhere, must have started a campaign to paint it negatively at some point.
I've literally never heard a good argument against editing, its always the same batshit line of logic that pro-life people usually make. Something something natural something something gods image.
But the people who think like that never come to those conclusions on their own; i feel like I'm missing some huge piece of information.