
geonerd04 t1_jb289br wrote

I grew up locally in Timonium (where ‘pool season’ is an actual season) and spent my 30s in the ‘traditional’ downtown Baltimore CBD in buildings with pools as described. The advice given above is spot on. Currently live in downtown Towson and there are a half-dozen great options I’d be willing to recommend via PM but not trying to give away my specific location. This is my opinion and mine only, but unless you’re stuck on Baltimore, forget Harbor East/Canton/Federal Hill. May as well move to DC or NYC if that’s what you really want. Price difference for a higher-end studio or small 1br (based on what I think OP is describing) would be negligible.


geonerd04 t1_j2fahc1 wrote

I’d say the cyclist is in the wrong… but that’s my opinion and mine only. Baltimore is a very fragmented city, and certain niche lifestyle lobbying groups like Bikemore have capitalized on that. Cars, buses and trains= bad and a waste of taxpayer dollars. Bikes and dedicated bike lanes= the savior of humanity.


geonerd04 t1_isvnapf wrote

Reply to comment by Cunninghams_right in Reddit Democracy by bearjew64

Improved transit between thriving (and regional) residential and job centers would make this either/or scenario irrelevant. As in, viable alternatives to driving between places like Hunt Valley - Towson -Downtown - Columbia - Owings Mills, etc. While it’s an admittedly powerful lobby (especially on Reddit), the bike lobby would lose horribly on such a ballot initiative. The executive living in Timonium and working in Harbor East will throw money at the opponent of any politician supporting this. The CNA commuting across town from West Baltimore to Hopkins via the MTA will certainly vote against such an initiative.

I know I’m generalizing, but think it’s safe to say that the majority of folks in the region, whether they’re voting with their wallets or at the ballot box, would vote against their own interests for the convenience of a handful of transplanted 20-something cyclists that want to shave a few minutes off their cycling ‘commute’ from Mt. Vernon or Patterson Park to Harbor East. But stranger things have happened…