
giraffemoo t1_jcavhcg wrote

I moved here almost 20 years ago from one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world (South Florida). I love it here and I am still in awe of the beautiful scenery I get to take in every single day. I deliver for UberEats and I get to go all over the place delivering stuff, it's so cool that I can be in the city one minute and then trailing along windy mountain roads covered with mossy limbs looking like Forest Gods. I don't ever want to leave here.


giraffemoo t1_j4qd4nr wrote

I've noticed folks whose headlights are not working properly who use their high beams. For example: someone with one headlight out. I'm "that bitch" who will blast my high beams right back at jerks who fail to dim theirs for oncoming traffic, and sometimes when I do that the other car will turn their beams off and I can see that only one of their regular headlights is operational.

As someone who is light sensitive and drives for a living, it sucks and sucks a lot.