
goldbloodedinthe404 t1_j9o1ga5 wrote

Look there is a lot of fucked up shit going on, but this is mostly a non story. The supreme Court declines hearing most cases it doesn't mean they agree with a cases outcome they just choose not to hear the case. Clarence Thomas I know wants to overturn qualified immunity.


goldbloodedinthe404 t1_ivp2xqh wrote

Georgia boot co. I used a pair of their wellies daily for work for years. As comfortable a boot as you could ask for and for weekend work will last many years mine would have lasted longer but due to the way I walk I am very rough on the heels of my shoes. I moved a half marathon a day on hard concrete for 6 months never got a single blister or any foot pain. At the end of the day my feet would just be tender from the total distance but I could easily get up and do it again the next day.