goodstorydan t1_ja9ixfv wrote
Reply to comment by gbs5009 in China accuses U.S. of ‘disinformation’ over warnings it’s considering sending artillery and ammo to Russia by diana321
…which we knew they hadn’t.
They went out of their way to drum up “evidence” to justify invading Iraq. It was bad.
goodstorydan t1_itq7pgc wrote
Reply to Recycling plastic is practically impossible — and the problem is getting worse by chrisdh79
We need to regulate the use of plastics to reduce the amount that is produced. We don’t need most plastics used in food grade packaging. We don’t need plastic bottles for water and sodas. We don’t need thick plastic packaging for most goods at the store. We can do better.
goodstorydan t1_jdw3s0g wrote
Reply to My dad buys my dog a new ball every time she pops the squeak. I have just recovered those neglected from around the garden. by JSALMemes
My dog had 5 of those squeakers in her stomach at one point. Didn’t know she was eating them until one day she couldn’t hold food down. Must have had at least a couple of them inside her for months.