
goolgohm t1_jcxg0ts wrote

>Will they produce and maintain the fleet for their own gain or will
robotaxis be sold to us consumers so that we can generate income by
managing the robotaxis?

Both, I imagine. The major manufacturers are already pushing subscription services, but have no incentive not to sell directly to consumers, either. A car rented out as a service for a year or two will almost certainly generate more added value than one sold outright, but holding these assets would incur maintenance and depreciation expenses, as well. I could see the big automakers pursuing a hybrid strategy. I personally think making extremely desirable, high-option vehicles available to normies via simple and accessible sub services is an untapped revenue stream.

It will be interesting to see how the ride-hailing market changes, though. I could see one or more of the major players try to cut out labor entirely by buying and managing an independent fleet of autonomous cars, but I could also see them both sticking to their tried-and-true Air B&B model where the contractors supply both the capital and labor.

The rental agencies too have skin in the game. I could see them competing with or being abosrbed by the ride-hailers.