Doubtful that racial and/or religious restrictions for holding public office will return. Probable that the US is going to allow private companies to fire minorities at will based upon “individual freedoms”. Within five years, private clubs will be able to buy out minority memberships and private neighborhoods will be permitted to exclude Jews or anyone else they choose. The 1964 Civil Rights Act is being undermined right this minute.
This is where the US is heading. The right to bigotry exceeds the rights of minorities. Disgusting, but there it is.
grapemike t1_iuav2mh wrote
Reply to TIL Jewish persons could not hold public office in Maryland until 1826 by synonyco
Doubtful that racial and/or religious restrictions for holding public office will return. Probable that the US is going to allow private companies to fire minorities at will based upon “individual freedoms”. Within five years, private clubs will be able to buy out minority memberships and private neighborhoods will be permitted to exclude Jews or anyone else they choose. The 1964 Civil Rights Act is being undermined right this minute.
This is where the US is heading. The right to bigotry exceeds the rights of minorities. Disgusting, but there it is.