
greentotoro3 t1_j9mhs4y wrote

This. I’d also suggest to consider your SO’s program—I’m in the economic stream program (economics/applied econ/agricultural and resource econ/public policy) and the first two years usually involved very demanding mandatory classes that required me to stay in the department working on problem sets with my cohort friends until past midnight. If her program has this kind of environment, you also want to consider safety on top of commute concerns. Also if she is going to UMD, Arlington is SO far away. Columbia Heights/Petworth area would be ideal since it’s on the Green line (as is UMD campus).


greentotoro3 t1_iy97nsx wrote

I can’t really contribute on where to go as I had it in my university health center and the insertion itself was not terrible but 2 hours after that I called my partner crying in pain. Solidarity to you, sister ❤️