grimjim t1_j9vkiq0 wrote
Reply to Been reading Ray Kurzweil’s book “The Singularity is Near”. What should I read as a prerequisite to comprehend it? by Golfer345
Ideally, enough physics to now when Kurzweil is resorting to handwavium when presenting an argument.
grimjim t1_iy5lako wrote
Reply to Why is VR and AR developing so slowly? by Neurogence
This may seem cynical, but an initial hurdle is creating apps that will sell to a military-industrial complex, which is willing to pay more per unit for small errands batches. That would bootstrap a supply chain that can be leveraged for consumer VR/AR. Silicon Valley would not be what it is today without military-industrial complex investment.
grimjim t1_ixa8puw wrote
What if it's already a secret and being used militarily?
grimjim t1_ixa3o5p wrote
Reply to comment by Shelfrock77 in Is the Singularity a black swan event? by TheHamsterSandwich
Depends on which paradigms, algorithms, and processes win out.
grimjim t1_ix8ql4f wrote
Black Swan events are by definition unpredictable, so technically no. It's post-Singularity events which are considered unpredictable.
grimjim t1_iuskc5r wrote
This prediction became partly true in a mundane, boring way. The Internet of Things has been a commercial reality for years.
grimjim t1_ja9s839 wrote
Reply to I have a high amount of anxiety surrounding the future of my job and AI by Business_Pin4533
Advice I would give anyone concerned about competing with AI: change the context so you're not in direct competition.
One approach would be to ride the wave. Experiment with new AI-enabled tools as they are released, and learn their limitations. Then you will have a relative advantage over those unfamiliar with the tools, and will be able to identify potential ways to leverage and complement their capabilities. You'll then be able to provide expertise with regard to how to properly use these tools, and not overspend on tools which are a poor fit to the job at hand. Think Gartner, but more hands on.
Let me know if this works for you, but I expect the approach should get you past analysis paralysis and replace fear with reasoned concern.