She thought she would be ok with it. She was wrong, and she's not. Balls in your court now. You can let her go, because she's not compatable physically, continue casual sex and lose her anyways, or decide she is more important than sex and learn to live without for a while, and even when it does start accept that it will be rarer.
It boils down to, which is more important to you? Sex or this woman?
grmrsan t1_jeavu2l wrote
Reply to My (24M) girlfriend (25F) of 6 months is having trouble accepting me having casual sex despite consent. What should I do? by [deleted]
She thought she would be ok with it. She was wrong, and she's not. Balls in your court now. You can let her go, because she's not compatable physically, continue casual sex and lose her anyways, or decide she is more important than sex and learn to live without for a while, and even when it does start accept that it will be rarer.
It boils down to, which is more important to you? Sex or this woman?