
gthrees OP t1_j100woi wrote

with all due respect, even if one might opt out that probably never ever happens - at the head of the queue with security all around and me whining, excuse me, i don't agree - what are they going to do, tag me for a body cavity search or miss my flight? there's a huge amount of intimidation and coercion at play.


gthrees t1_iwd1xpn wrote

everyone wants what is best for you and of course no one is in your shoes.

a helpline is a wonderful idea - and your concerns about where you will receive the care you need and for your child are very appropriate - give them a call and share your concerns.

with regard to money stolen, etc., first-things-first. you are probably right, or who-knows, maybe not! eventually you'll sit down with a cop or a lawyer, but first talk with someone, stability is wonderful. sometimes i just sit quietly in a park or church.

and consider if you have a friend or family member who can help out if necessary, maybe as a sounding-board to help you or your daughter.

you reached out to the internet - you're already showing initiative, that's great! i'm sure a social worker will be glad to talk.