harangatangs t1_j15poe8 wrote
I don't care, can we somehow just get Blizz split off as independent or consumed by some other studio house that doesn't suck shit? I would just like those IPs to not be a garbage fire anymore. Feel free to toss the last 10-20 years of storyline they wrote too, nothing of value in there.
harangatangs t1_iwvunti wrote
Reply to Amazon Recently Told Managers to Identify, 'Stack Rank' Low Performers Immediately by Truetree9999
Seems like a lot of these companies are both expecting a downturn but also trying to reclaim some power with their employees. I won't feel a drop of pity if six months later they suddenly need to recover those positions and can't find anybody.
harangatangs t1_j9f4g6o wrote
Reply to Diablo IV’s open beta starts next month by Sorin61
Something to buy a year after release, after MS has acquired, maybe. I have a hunch there's going to be a looooooot of disinformation about this game in the lead up.