
harborspirit t1_ium6458 wrote

Is Kingston a place with better resources? I really don't understand how you guys are able to put MV migrants and Kingston migrants in two different boxes in your heads.

The point is we have so many fucking illegal immigrants that were literally using our tax dollars to pay for food and hotels to house them. DeSantis was right to send them to MV because it got the country's attention finally.

Down vote me all you want, I'm speaking the uncomfortable truth!


harborspirit t1_iukyuym wrote

That is outrageous. There's 100 Haitian migrants in there. You'd need somebody who speaks their language to hold their hand all day. You'd need 50 translators at least to make it make sense. That's insanity. Not to mention they have zero clue about our cultural norms and customs. It's culture shock for both the migrants and the neighboring communities. It's literally like an alien landing. It's naive as hell to think it's gonna be a cakewalk to just hire "bilingual managers" for people who can't read or write English or know even a fraction of our country's history and values.


harborspirit t1_iukxuyc wrote

No its not - they are two groups of illegal immigrants that do not speak English. Do you have any idea how far away Martha's Vineyard is to Kingston? It's not very far at all.

In fact, it further proves desantis' point. There is a massive illegal immigrant border crisis and we're going to run out of empty hotels soon. Sooner or later, they WILL have to take them in on Martha's Vineyard.


harborspirit t1_iukwuhx wrote

Hang on - there's literally 100 migrants from Haiti that don't speak a lick of English that are expected to somehow get jobs and integrate here? What the fuck? No citizenship test, just, here's free lodging and food while we figure out what to do with you or how you'll integrate on the south shore? Insane! And how is this okay but sending half this amount to Martha's vineyard is not?

Let me repeat that: how is sending 100 migrants to live in a hotel in Kingston okay but sending 50 to Martha's vineyard is not.
